Invitation to Help Transform our World

Hal Plotkin
3 min readOct 30, 2020

Join our free online global dialogue featuring leaders from philanthropy, government, and the social sciences working to have an impact on the current crisis.

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I want to extend a special invitation to everyone who reads this, especially former colleagues. This won’t cost you anything and you might help change our world.

But first, some background.

I’ve enjoyed many blessings in my life. Among the most memorable are the many times I had the honor to represent the Obama administration overseas. That’s something I never could have imagined growing up in a single-parent family that had often relied on welfare and food stamps.

During my service as a presidential appointee (2009 to 2014) I was frequently tasked with assignments outside the U.S. These foreign assignments, 17 in 11 different countries, were eye-opening for me. Over time, I came to understand how rich our world is with collaborative possibilities, untapped chances to achieve shared progress across borders and cultures, and how hungry, desperate even, so many people around the world are for such undertakings. As JFK once observed, we all breath the same air.

Indeed, the unity of humankind, the fact that we are all one, is at the heart of my religion, Judaism’s, sacred and most frequently voiced prayer (called the…



Hal Plotkin

Hal Plotkin is a Senior Scholar at ISKME, in HMB, CA. Senior Advisor, U.S. Dept of Ed (2009-14) and Senior Open Policy Fellow, Creative Commons USA (2014-2017)