Skills, Economic Mobility and the Global Fight Against Fascism

Hal Plotkin
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2022


A new two-year project funded by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ agency, D-Reskill@University, is an important front in the global battle between democracy and authoritarianism. The big question: will the United States of America step up to help?

Photo by Anna Tarazevich

In early October 2022, I will be in Paris to give a talk at Sorbonne University in connection with the European Union funded D-Reskill@University project. The project is led by Sorbonne University and includes participants from the University of Milan, the University of Barcelona, the University of Budapest, the Paris-based Foundation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH), which was established after WWII to promote democratic values and academic freedom, the Italian-born entrepreneur Francesco Bullini, and ALFHEIM Consulting.

The project’s goal: designing a new, more flexible, and inclusive method of skills assessment and job-training to improve economic mobility within Europe. The project addresses an important need, not only for individual workers in Europe, but also for the preservation of democracy and freedom itself. The project is initially focused on careers in chemistry and data sciences, but the larger goal is the creation of a modernized technology mediated system of lifelong learning that can be applied to other occupations over time. As this work unfolds, one…



Hal Plotkin
Digital Diplomacy

Hal Plotkin is a Senior Scholar at ISKME, in HMB, CA. Senior Advisor, U.S. Dept of Ed (2009-14) and Senior Open Policy Fellow, Creative Commons USA (2014-2017)